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A Survey of Quantization Methods for Efficient Neural Network Inference


Quantization Survey Keywords: #Quantization

0. Abstract

  • Problem: In what manner should a set of continuous real-valued numbers be distributed over a fixed discrete set of numbers 1) to minimized the number of bits required
    2) and also to maximize the accuracy of the attendant computations

1. Introduction

  • Achieving efficient, real-time NNs with optimal accuracy

1) Designing efficient NN model architectures

  • Optimizing NN model architecture in terms of its micro-architecture such as kernel types(depth-wise CONV layer), or macro-architecture such as module types(residual, inception) → manual way
  • AutoML and Neural Architecture Search (NAS) → automated way

2) Co-designing NN architecture and hardware together

  • Adapt and co-design the NN architecture for a particular target hardware platform
  • A dedicated cache hierarchy can execute bandwidth bound operations much more efficiently

3) Pruning

  • Neurons with small saliency(sensitivity) are removed, resulting in a sparse computational graph
  • Unstructured pruning
    • Removing neurons with small saliency
    • Pro: Aggressive pruning with little impact on the generalization performance
    • Con: Sparse matrix operations which are hard to accelerate and typically memory-bound
  • Structured pruning
    • A group of parameters (e.g. whole CONV filters) removed
    • Pro: Changing the whole input/outupt shapes of layers, thus permitting dense matrix ops.
    • Con: Aggressive structured pruning → significant accuracy degradation

4) Knowledge Distillation

  • Training a large model and using it as a teacher to train a more compact model
  • Hard to achieve high compression ratio with KD alone.
  • The combination of KD with quantization and pruning has shown great success

5) Quantization

  • Quantization in NN training
  • Proven to be difficult to go below half-precision without significant tuning → quantization for inference

2. General History of Quantization

  • Quantization: A method to map from input values in a large(continuous) set to output values in a small (finite) set
  • ex) Shannon’s lossless coding theory (Variable-rate quantization), Huffman Coding, Pulse Code Modulation
  • Quantization in NN
    1. Inference and training of NNs are both computationally intensive → Efficient representation of numerical values is important
    2. Current NNs are heavily over-parametrized → Ample opportunity for reducing bit precision without impacting accuracy.
    3. NNs are very robust to aggressive quantization and extreme discretization → This new DOF comes from the sheer number of parameters involved
    4. The layered structure of NN models offers an additional dimension to explore → Different layers have different impact on the loss function, and this motivates a mixed-precision approach to quantization

    ▵ Thus, it is possible to have high error/distance between quantized model and the original model, while still attaining very good generalization performance.

3. Basic Concepts of Quantization

1) Problem Setup and Notations

  • In quantization, the goal is to reduce the precision of both the parameters, as well as the intermediate activation maps to low-precision, with minimal impact on the generalization power/accuracy of the model.