DoReFa-Net: Training Low Bitwidth Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Bitwidth Gradients
Keywords: #Quantization
0. Abstract
- Proposal: A method to train NNs that have low bitwidth weights/ activations using low bitwidth parameter gradients.
1. Introduction
- BNN, XNOR-Net: Both weights and activations of conv layers are binarized. → Computationally expensive convolutions can be done by bitwise operation kernels during forward pass.
- Dot product of bit vectors $x$ and $y$ using bitwise op.
- When $x$ and $y$ are vectors of ${-1, 1}$,
- No previous work has succeeded in quantizing gradients to numbers with bitwidth less than 8 during backward pass.
- Contributions
- DoReFa-Net: Generalize the method of binarized NN, bit convolution kernels to accelerate both forward and backward pass of the training process.
- Bit convolution can be implemented on CPU, FPGA, ASIC and GPU. Considerably reduces energy consumption of low bitwidth NN training
- Quantization sensitivity: gradients > activations > weights
2. DoReFa-Net
- A method to train NN that has low bw(bitwidth) weights/activation with low bw parameter gradients.
- While weights/activations can be deterministically quantized, gradients need to be stochastically quantized.
2.1 Using Bit Convolution Kernels in Low Bitwidth NN
- Computation complexity: $O(MK)$