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Low-bit Quantization Needs Good Distribution


Keywords: #Quantization #WeightDistribution

0. Abstract

  • Uniform-like distributed weights and activations have been proved to be more friendly to quantization while preserving accuracy.
  • Scale-Clip: A distribution reshaping technique that can reshape weights/activations into a uniform-like distribution in a dynamic manner.
  • (A novel) Group-based Quantization algorithm: Different groups can learn different quantization parameters, which is merged into batch normalization layer.
  • Group-based Distribution Reshaping Quantization (GDRQ) framework: Scale-Clip + Group-based Quantization algorithm

1. Introduction

  • QAT: Focus on minimizing the KL-divergence between the original weights and quantized weights when training.

  • Proposal: Optimize both the pre-trained model and the quantization bins together

    1. Theoretically analyze that uniformly-distributed pre-trained models result in less quantized-loss and is more friendly to linear quantization.
    2. Scale-clip technique
    3. Group-based quantization → Group-based Distribution Reshaping Quantization framework (GDRQ)

3. Method

  • Model the linear quantization task as a quantized-loss optimization problem.

3.2. Good Distribution for Linear Quantization

  • Quantization cause the quantized weights to have significant quantized-loss.
  • Quantized Loss:
  • The optimal $\alpha^\ast$ (clamping value):

  • Quantized Loss: Laplace > Gaussian > Uniform
  • The optimal $\alpha^\ast$ (clamping value): Laplace < Gaussian < Uniform → The dynamic range is biggest for uniform distribution.
  • We divide the quantized-loss optimization into two steps: 1) Optimizing the pre-trained model 2) Optimizing the quantization bins

3.3. Scale-Clip for Distribution Reshaping

  • Scale-Clip for weights

  • Scale-Clip for activations
    • The statistical measures of $\mathbf{A}$ are dependent on the data and unstable in the training process
    • To handle this, a large $k$ should be chosen to adapt to the changeable statistical measures mean.
  • Note that clipped method has already been widely used, such as gradient clipping, and activation clipping

3.4. Group-based Quantization

  • To increase representative capacity of the low-bit model, we adopt group-based quantization
  • Group-based quantization: Splits the $\mathbf{W}$ filters into several groups, and quantize the grouped filters to search different $\alpha$ and determine different quantization bins.