Improving Low-Precision Network Quantization via Bin Regularization
Keywords: #Quantization #WeightDistribution
0. Abstract
- We propose a novel weight regularization algorithm
- Instead of constraining the overall data distribution, we optimize all elements in each quantization bin to be as close to the target quantized value as possible.
- Such bin regularization (BR) mechanism encourages the weight distribution of each quantization bin to be sharp/approximate to a Dirac delta distribution ideally.
1. Introduction
- Usually, the network accuracy decreases and the hardware performance increases as bit precision decreases. → PTQ, QAT
- We propose a novel regularization algorithm for improving low-precision network quantization.
- We hypothesize that quantization error will approach zero if all FP elements in each bin are close enough to the target quantized value.
- Our bin regularization is expected to reduce the quantization error at the bin level
- Our bin regularization also encourages sharp distribution for each quantization bin.