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CSQ: Growing Mixed-Precision QuantizationScheme with Bi-level Continuous Sparsification


1. Introduction

  • Not all layers in a DNN are equally sensitive to quantization → Mixed-precision quantization
    • Sensitive layers keep higher precision, while less sensitive layers are quantized to lower precision.
  • Main difficulty of mpq: Determining the exact precision of each layer.
    • RL-based search: Search-based method is costly to run.
    • Higher-order sensitivity stats. computed on the pretrained model: Pretrained model stats. do not capture the potential sensitivity changes during training.
    • Dynamically achieving mpq scheme through bit-level structural sparsity: 1) bit-level training process, 2) periodic precision adjustment → unstable convergence.
  • Main contributions
    • Improve stability of bit-level training and adjustment to achieve better convergence.
    • Two main factors of instability:
      1. The binary selection of bit value.
      2. The binary selection of using a certain bit or ot in determining the precision of each layer.
    • Proposal: Continuous Sparsification Quantization (CSQ)
      • Continuous sparsification to relax discrete selection with a series of smooth parameterized gate functions.
      • Smoothness enables 1) fully differentiable training w/o gradient approximation (e.g. STE), 2) proper scheduling of the gate function parameter enables the model to converge w/o additional rounding.
      • +) consideration of budget constraints.
  • Summary of contributions
    1. Utilize continuous sparsification technique to improve bit-level training of quantized DNN.
    2. Relax precision adjustment in the search of mpq scheme into smooth gate functions.
    3. Combine the bi-level continuous sparsification into effectively inducing high-performance mixed-precision DNNs.

A. Mixed-precision quantization

  • HAQ: Employs RL to determine quantization scheme -> Search costs can be high
  • HAWQ: Measures each layer’s sensitivity with metrics like Hessian eigenvalue or Hessian trace.
    • Only incorporate the sensitivity of the pretrained full-precision model
    • Does not consider the change of sensitivity when weights are quantize/updated during QAT
  • BSQ
    • Inaccurate STE gradient estimation.
    • Hard precision adjustment hinders convergence stability.
    • Solution: CSQ relaxes both bit-level training and precision adjustment with continuous sparsification

B. Sparse optimization and continuous sparsification

  • Pruning: Binary mask used for selecting (or not selecting) a weight element/filter.
    • Minimizing $L_0$ regularization (= sum of the binary weight selection mask) induces sparsity.
    • Binary mask has a discrete nature. -> Attempts have been made to relax the binary constraint on the mask to enable gradient-based training.
  • Continuous Sparsification (Smooth gating function)
    • Make closer approximations to the binary gate as training progresses.
    • Relax the binary gate as a Sigmoid w/ temperature
    • Temp. $\beta$ controls the smoothness of the relaxed gate. Smaller $\beta$ for smoother optimization, larger $\beta$ to better approximate the discrete binary gate. $\beta$ grows as training progresses.

3. Method

A. Bi-level continuous sparsification of quantized DNN model

  • To get a quantized model, we need: 1) The quantization precision of each layer 2) The quantized value of each weight element (w.r.t. each bit precision)
  • Both are discrete properties, which prevent gradient-based updates.
  • Discrete optimization -> Continuous differentiable function, to enable differentiable optimization.

  • Continuous Sparsification
    • Exponentially increase $\beta$ with the # of epochs. Trainable params. can be optimized smoothly in the early training stage.
    • No rounding is applied -> No need for approximation of gradients.

B. Budget-aware growing of mixed-precision quantization scheme

  • Adjust the precision of each layer using $l1$ regularization over the bit-mask of each layer $f_{\beta}(m_B^{(b)})$.
  • Remember: $l1$ regularization induced sparsity.
  • The final training objective:
  • $\Delta_S$: Budget-aware scaling factor
    • More pruning when model size is bigger than the budget, and vice versa.
    • $\Delta_S = \text{Avg. precision of the model} - \text{Target avg. precision of the budget}$
  • Precision is determined as $\sum_b [m_B^{(b)} \geq 0]$
  • Training objective is end-to-end differentiable w.r.t. all learnable params, w/o using STE.

C. Overall training algorithm

  • Sigmoid temp. $\beta$ is scheduled to grow exponentially with training epochs, where $f_{\beta}$ converges to a unit step Sign function.
  • For ImageNet: Additional finetuning needed.
    • Fix the quantization scheme of each layer.
    • Only finetune the bit representation $s, m_p, m_n$ of the selected bits in each layer.
    • Rewind temp $\beta$ back to 1 and redo exponential temp. scheduling. (for bit representation only)

4. Evaluation

A. Experimental Setup.