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BigNAS: Neural Architecture Search with Big Single-Stage Models


Keywords: #Activation #Batch Normalization

1. Introduction

  • Recent efficient NAS methods are based on weight sharing. -> Reduce search costs by orders of magnitude.
    • Train a super-network, and then identify a subset of its operations which gives the best accuracy while satisfying hardware constraints.
    • General idea & advantage: The super-network can be used to rank candidate architectures.
  • Problem: Accuracy predictions from supernets are much lower than models traine from scratch.
    • Assumption 1: Retrain separate model for each device of interest. -> Incurs significant overhead.
    • Assumption 2: Post-process weights after training is finished; progressive shrinking proposed by Once-for-All networks. -> This post-processing complicates the model training pipeline. Child models still require fine-tuning.
  • Contribution
    • Propose several techniques to bridge the gap between distinct initialization/learning dynamics across small & big child models w/ shared params.
    • Train a single-stage model: a single model which we can directly slice high-quality child models w/o any extra post-processing.
  • Difference from existing one-shot methods
    • Much wider coverage of model capacities.
    • All child models are trained in a way such that they simultaneously reach excellent performance at the end of the search phase.
  • Main point: How to train a high-quality single-stage model?

3.1 Training a High-Quality Single-Stage Model

  1. Sandwich Rule (★ EQ-Net, MultiQuant)
    • Sample the smallest child + biggest child + $N$ randomly sampled child -> Aggregates the gradients from all sampled child models before updating weights.
    • Intuition: Improve all child models in the search space simultaneously, by pushing up both the performane lower/upper bound.
  2. Inplace Distillation
    • Inplace Distillation: Takes the soft labels of biggest child to supervise all other child models.
    • Comes for free in BigNAS training settings, due to sandwich rule.
    • All child models are only trained with inplace distillation loss from start to end. -> The temperature hyper-parameter or the mixture of distillation/target loss are not used.
  3. Initialization (??)
    • Training single-stage models worked when we reduced learning rate to 30% of its original value, but this leads to much worse results.
    • Initialize the output of each residual block (before skip connection) to zero tensor by setting learnable parameter $\gamma = 0$ in the last BN layer. -> This ensures identical variance before and after residual block regardless of the fan-in.
    • Also add a skip connection in each stage transition when either resolutions or channels differ (using 2x2 avg. pooling and/or 1x1 conv if necessary) to construct an identity mapping.
  4. Convergence Behavior
    • In practice, big child models converge faster while small child models converge slower. (★)
    • Dilemma: When performance of big child models peaks, small child models are not fully-trained. When small child models have better performance, the big child models already overfitted.
    • Learning rate sceduler: Exponential decay -> Exponential decay with constant ending.
    • Benefits
    • With slightly larger lr at the end, the small child models learn faster.
    • Constant lr at the end alleviates the overfitting of big child models as weights oscillate.
  5. Regularization
    • Big child models tend to overfit, whereas small child models tend to underfit.
    • General solutions: 1) Same weight decay to all child models, 2) Larger dropout for larger NNs.
    • Problem: Single-stage models; interplay among the small and big child models w/ shared parameters.
    • Solution: Regularize only the biggest child model (i.e., the only model that has direct access to the ground truth training labels) -> Apply this rule to both weight decay & dropout.
  6. Batch Norm Calibration
    • After training, we re-calibrate BN stats. for each sampled child model for deployment.