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12. Histogram w/ Atomic Ops.

1. Atomic Ops.

  1. atomicCAS
    int atomicCAS(int* addr, int expected, int newVal){
     oldVal = read(*addr);
     *addr = (oldVal==expected) ? newVal : oldVal;
     return oldVal
  2. atomicCAS Usage
    oldVal = *addr; 
    readback = atomicCAS(addr, oldVal, newVal); 
    if (oldVal==readback) โ†’ success
    else โ†’ fail, another T did atomicCAS 
  3. atomicAdd
    __device__ inline void atomicAdd (float* addr, float value){
     int oldVal, newVal, readback; 
     oldVal = __float_as_int(*addr);
     newVal = __float_as_int(__int_as_float(oldVal)+value); 
     while ([readback=atomicCAS(*addr, oldVal, newVal)] != oldVal){
         oldVal = readback; 
         newVal = __float_as_int(__int_as_float(oldVal)+Value);

    2. Example: Count

  4. Non-atomic version
    • total # of threads โ‰  count, t=4msec
       __global__ void kernel(unsigned long long int* pCount){
       (*pCount) = (*pCount) + 1; 
  5. Atomic version
    __gobal__ void kernel(~){
     atomicAdd(pCount, 1ULL); 
  6. Shared memory version
    __global__ void kernel(int* pCount){
     __shared__ int nCountShared; 
     if (threadIdx.x==0){ nCountShared=0; } __sycthreads(); 
     atomicAdd(&nCountShared, 1); __syncthreads(); 
     if (threadIdx.x==0){ atomicAdd(pCount, nCountShared); }

    3. Example: Histogram Count

  7. CPU version
    • sum of each hist = image size, t=4340usec
      void kernel (unsigned int* hist, unsigned int* img, unsigned int size){
       while (size--){
         unsigned int pixelVal = *img++;
         hist[pixelVal] += 1;
  8. GPU version
    • sum of each hist = image size, t=1.61msec
      __global__ void kernel(unsigned int* hist, unsigned int* img, unsigned int size){
       unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
       unsigned int pixelVal = img[i];
       atomicAdd(&hist[pixelVal], 1);
  9. SMEM version
    • sum of each hist = image size
      __global__ void kernel(unsigned int* hist, unsigned int* img, unsigned int size){
       __shared__ int histShared[NUMHIST]; 
       if (threadIdx.x<NUMHIST) { histShared[threadIdx.x]=0 } __syncthreads(); 
       unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
       unsigned pixelVal = img[i];
       atomicAdd(&histShared[pixelVal], 1); __syncthreads(); 
       if (threadIdx.x<NUMHIST) { atomicAdd(&hist[threadIdx.x],histShared[threadIdx.x]); }

13. Convolution

1. Boundary Condition Handling & Constant Cache

  1. 1D CONV w/ Boundary Condition Handling
    __global__ void CONV_1D (float* N, float* M, float* P, int Mask_Width, int Width){
     int i = blockIdx.x*blockdDim.x + threadIdx.x;
     float Pvalue = 0; 
     int N_start = i - Mask_Width/2; 
     for (int j = 0; j<Mask_Width; j++){
         if (N_start+j>=0 && N_start+j<Width) { 
             Pvalue += N[N_start+j]*M[j]; 
     P[i] = Pvalue; 
  2. Usage of Constant Memory
     #define MASK_WIDTH 5
     typedef struct{
         unsigned int weight;
         unsigned int height; 
         unsigned int pitch; 
         float* elements; 
     } Matrix; 
     // Matrix allocation func. 
     Matrix AllocateMatrix(int height, int width, int init){...}
     // global var. -> declare outside any kernel function 
     __constant__ float Mc[MASK_WIDTH][MASK_WIDTH]; 
     Matrix M = AllocateMatrix(MASK_WIDTH, MASK_WIDTH, 1); 
     // initialize M elems, allocate N/P, initialize N/P, copy N/P to N_d/P_d
     cudaMemcpyToSymbol(Mc, M.elements, MASK_WIDTH*MASK_WIDTH*sizeof(float)); 
     // launch kernel 

2. Tiled 1D

1. Load halo + internal elem. into SMEM

__global__ void convolution_1D_tiled_kernel(float* N, float* P, int Mask_Width, int Width){
    int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
    __shared__ float N_ds[TILE_SIZE + Mask_Width - 1]; 
    int n = Mask_Width/2;

    // left halo 
    int halo_idx_left = (blockIdx.x-1)*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
    if (threadIdx.x >= (blockDim.x-n)){
        N_ds[threadIdx.x + n - blockDim.x] = (halo_idx_left<0) ? 0 : N[halo_idx_left]; 
    // internal 
    N_ds[n+threadIdx.x] = N[blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x];

    // right halo 
    int halo_idx_right = (blockIdx.x+1)*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
    if (threadIdx.x < n){
        N_ds[threadIdx.x + n + blockDim.x] = (halo_idx_right>Width) ? 0 : N[halo_idx_right]; 

    float Pvalue = 0; 
    for (int j=0; j<MASK_WIDTH; j++){ Pvalue += N_ds[threadIdx.x + j]*M[j]; }
    P[i] = Pvalue;

2. Data Reuse in SMEM & General Caching

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ Everything is gid based!!
    __global__ void convolution_1D_tiled_kernel (float* N, float* P, int Mask_Width, int Width){
      int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
      int n = Mask_Width/2; 
      __shared__ float N_ds[TILE_SIZE]; 
      N_ds[threadIdx.x]=N[i]; __syncthreads(); 
      int This_tile_start_point = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x; 
      int Next_tile_start_point = (blockIdx.x+1)*blockDim.x; 
      int N_start_point = i - n;
      float Pvalue = 0; 
      for (int j=0; j<MASK_WIDTH; j++){
          int N_index = N_start_point + j; 
          if (N_index >= This_tile_start_point && N_index < Next_tile_start_point){
              Pvalue += N_ds[threadIdx.x+j-n]*M[j]; 
          } else {
              Pvalue += N[N_index]*M[j]; 
      P[i] = Pvalue; 

    3. Tiled 2D

  • itโ€™s easier to think: row_o, col_o gid based.
  • N_ds is tid based shared memory!
    1. Shifting from output coordinates to input coordinates
      __global__ void convolution(Matrix N, Matrix P){
        __shared__ float N_ds[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE]; 
        int ty = threadIdx.y; int tx = threadIdx.x; 
        int row_o = blockIdx.y*TILE_SIZE+ty; 
        int col_o = blockIdx.x*TILE_SIZE+tx;
        int row_i = row_o - KERNEL_SIZE/2; 
        int col_i = col_o - KERNEL_SIZE/2; 
        float output = 0.0f; 
    2. Loading input matrix to the shared memory
      if (0<=row_i<N.height && 0<=col_i<N.width){
        N_ds[ty][tx] = N.elements[row_i * N.width + col_i];
      } else{
        N_ds[ty][tx] = 0;
    3. Do convolution!
      if (ty<TILE_SIZE && tx<TILE_SIZE){
        for (i=0; i<KERNEL_SIZE; i++){
         for (j=0; j<KERNEL_SIZE; j++){
             output += Mc[i][j]*N_ds[i+ty][j+tx]; 
        if (row_o<P.height && col_o<P.width){ P.elements[row_o*P.width+col_o] = output; }
    4. Setting Block Size
      #define BLOCK_SIZE (TILE_SIZE + MASK_WIDTH -1)
      dim3 dimBlock(BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_SIZE, 1); 
      dim3 dimGrid(ceil(N.width/float(TILE_SIZE)), ceil(N.width/float(TILE_SIZE)), 1); 
      convolution<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(N_d, P_d)

14. Reduction

1. Sum Reduction w/ Divergence

  • Sum reduction์ด threadIdx.x=0์— ๋˜๊ธฐ ๋•Œ๋ฌธ์—, SMEM -> global mem. ํ•  ๋–„ threadIdx.x=0์— ๋Œ€ํ•ด์„œ๋งŒ ํ•˜๋ฉด ๋จ.
    __global__ void kernel(unsigned* pData, unsigned* pAns){
      __shared__ float dataShared[2*BLOCKSIZE];   
      unsigned int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
      dataShared[threadIdx.x] = pData[i];
      dataShared[threadIdx.x+BLOCKSIZE] = pData[i+BLOCKSIZE]; 
      for (register unsigned s=1; s<=BLOCKSIZE; s*=2){
          if (threadIdx.x%s == 0){ dataShared[2*threadIdx.x] += dataShared[2*threadIdx.x+s]; }
      if (threadIdx.x==0){ pAns[threadIdx.x] = dataShared[threadIdx.x]; }

    2. Sum Reduction w/o Divergence

    __global__ void kernel (unsigned* pData, unsigned* pAns){
      __shared__ float dataShared[2*BLOCKSIZE]; 
      unsigned int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
      dataShared[threadIdx.x] = pData[i];
      dataShared[threadIdx.x+BLOCKSIZE] = pData[i+BLOCKSIZE]; 
      for (register unsigned s=BLOCKSIZE; s>0; s/=2){
          if (threadIdx.x<s){ dataShared[threadIdx.x] += dataShared[threadIdx.x+s]; }
      if (threadIdx.x==0){ pAns[threadIdx.x] = dataShared[threadIdx.x]; }

15. Scan (Prefix Sum)

1. Kogge-Stone Parallel Scan

for (int s=1; s<BLOCKSIZE; s*=2){
    float temp = 0.0f; 
    if (threadIdx.x>=s){ temp=T[threadIdx.x]+T[threadIdx.x-s]; }
    if (threadIdx.x<s){ T[threadIdx.x]=temp; }
if (gid<n) { output[gid] = T[threadIdx.x]; }

2. Kogge-Stone (Double Buffering ver.)

for (int s=1; s<BLOCKSIZE; s*=2){
    if (threadIdx.x>=s) { dst[threadIdx.x] = src[threadIdx.x]+src[threadIdx.x-s]; }
    else { dst[threadIdx.x] = src[threadIdx.x]; }

    float* tmp=src; src=dst; dst=tmp;
if (gid<n){ output[gid] = src[threadIdx.x]; }

3. Brent-Kung Parallel Scan

  • int idx = (threadIdx.x+1) * 2 * s - 1;
    int s=1; 
      int idx = (threadIdx.x+1) * 2 * s - 1; 
      if (idx<BLOCKSIZE){ T[idx] += T[idx-s]; }
      s *= 2; 
    int s=BLOCKSIZE/2; 
      int idx = (threadIdx.x+1) * 2 * s - 1; 
      if (idx+s<BLOCKSIZE && idx<BLOCKSIZE){ T[idx+s] += T[idx]; }
      s /= 2; 

16. Streaming and AsyncCopy

1. Streaming Operation

  1. Host version - t=588533usec
    void kernel (float* dst, float* src, float val, int size){
     while (size--){
         *dst = 0.0F; 
         for (register int j=0; j<REPEAT; ++j){ *dst += *src; }
         dst++; src; 
  2. Device version - t=108413usec (winner!)
    // size not needed - each thread operates on one elem. 
    __global__ void kernel (float* dst, float* src) 
     unsigned int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; 
     if (i<SIZE){
         dst[i] = 0.0F
         for (register int j=0; j<REPEAT; j++) { dst[i] += src[i]}

2. Asynchronous Copy

  1. Synchronous Streaming
    • cudaMemcpy (void* dst, const void* src, size_t count, enum kind)
  2. Asynchronous Copy
    • cudaMemcpyAsync (void* dst, const void* src, size_t count, enum kind, cudaStream_t stream=0)
    • Pinned-memory
    • cudaMallocHost(), cudaFreeHost()

3. CUDA Streams

1. CUDA Streams - Asynchronous Ver.

  • kernel launch ๋•Œ stream ์ด ๋งˆ์ง€๋ง‰ ์ธ์ž๋กœ ๋“ค์–ด๊ฐ€์•ผ ๋˜๊ธฐ ๋•Œ๋ฌธ์— ์„ธ๋ฒˆ์งธ ์ฐจ์› 0 ๋ฐ˜๋“œ์‹œ ๋ช…์‹œ kernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>(pResultDev, pSourceDev)
  • kenrel launch ๋‹ค์Œ์— synchronize stream ๊นŒ๋จน์ง€ ๋ง๊ธฐ
    int main(void){
      // allocate pinned-memory 
      float pSource = NULL; float pResult = NULL; 
      cudaMallocHost((void**)&pSource, TOTALSIZE*sizeof(float)); 
      cudaMallocHost((void**)&pResult, TOTALSIZE*sizeof(float)); 
      // create stream object
      cudaStream_t stream; 
      // CUDA: copy from host to device
      cudaMemcpyAsync(pSourceDev, pSource, TOTALSIZE*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream);
      // CUDA: launch the kernel 
      kernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, stream>>>(pResultDev, pSourceDev)
      // sync to make sure operations complete
      // deallocate pinned-memory 
      cudaFreeHost(pSource); cudaFreeHost(pResult); 
      // destroy stream 

2. CUDA Streams - Multiple Streams

  • cudaStreamCreate(&stream), cudaStreamSynchronize(stream), cudaStreamDestroy(stream)
    int main(void){
      // allocate pinned-memory 
      cudaMallocHost((void**)&pSource, TOTALSIZE*sizeof(float));
      cudaMallocHost((void**)&pResult, TOTALSIZE*sizeof(float));
      // create stream object 
      cudaStream_t aStream[STREAMSIZE]; 
      for (i=0; i<STREAMSIZE; i++) { cudaStreamCreate(&aStream[i]); }
      // CUDA: copy from host to device
      for (i=0; i<STREAMSIZE; i++){
          int offset = TOTALSIZE/STREAMSIZE*i; 
          cudaMemcpyAsync(pSourceDev+offset, pSource+offset, TOTALSIZE/STREAMSIZE*sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, aStream[i]);
      // CUDA: launch the kernel
      dim3 dimGrid(GRIDSIZE/STREAMSIZE, 1, 1); 
      dim3 dimBlock(BLOCKSIZSE, 1, 1); 
      for (i=0; i<STREAMSIZE; i++){
          int offset = TOTALSIZE/STREAMSIZE*i;
          kernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock, 0, aStream[i]>>>(pResultDev+offset, pSourceDev+offset);
      // CUDA: copy from device to host 
      for (i=0; i<STREAMSIZE; i++){


1. Elapsed Time: CUDA Event API Usage

cudaEvent_t start, stop; 
float time; 

cudaEventCreate(&start); cudaEventCreate(&stop); 
cudaEventRecord(start, 0); 
VectorAdd<<<gridDim, gridBlock>>>(dev_A, dev_B, dev_R, size); 
cudaEventRecord(stop, 0); 

cudaEvenElapsedTime(&time, start, stop); 
cudaEventDestroy(start); cudaEventDestroy(stop); 
printf("elapsed time = %f msec\n", time)

17. Graph Structure

1. Sequential BFS

void BFS_sequential (int source, int* edges, int* dest, int *label){

    int frontier[2][MAX_FRONTIER_SIZE]; 
    int* c_frontier = frontier[0]; int* p_frontier = frontier[1];
    int c_frontier_tail = 0; int p_frontier_tail = 0; 

    // insert source to p_frontier array, and add 1 to p_frontier_tail
    insert_frontier(source, p_frontier, &p_frontier_tail); 

    int c_vertex // current vertex
    while (p_frontier_tail>0){
        for (int f=0; f<p_frontier_tail; p++){
            c_vertex = p_frontier[f]; // source of this loop 
            for (int i=edges[c_vertex]; i<edges[c_vertex+1]; i++){
                if (label[dest[i]]==-1){
                    insert_frontier(dest[i], c_frontier, &c_frontier_tail); 
                    label[dest[i]] += label[c_vertex] + 1
        // swap c_frontier and p_frontier
        int* temp = c_frontier; c_frontier = p_frontier; p_frontier = temp; 
        p_frontier_tail = c_frontier_tail; c_frontier_tail = 0; 

2. Parallel BFS

void BFS_host(unsigned int source, unsigned int* edges, unsigned int* dest, unsigned int* label){
    // cudaMalloc edges_d, dest_d, label_d, and visited_d
    // cudaMemecpy edges, dest, and label to device global memory 
    // cudaMalloc frontier_d, c_frontier_tail_d, p_frontier_tail_d 
    unsigned int* c_frontier_d = &frontier_d[0]; 
    unsigned int* p_frontier_d = &frontier_d[MAX_FRONTIER_SIZE]; 

    // launch simple kernel to initialize source
    // *c_frontier_tail_d = 0 ; 
    // p_frontier_d = source; 
    // *p_frontier_tail_d = 1; 
    // label_d[source] = 0;

    p_frontier_tail = 1; 
        int num_blocks = ceil(p_frontier_tail/float(BLOCK_SIZE)); 
        BFS_Bqueue_kernel<<<num_blocks, BLOCK_SIZE>>>(p_frontier_d, p_frontier_tail_d, c_frontier_d, c_frontier_tail_d, edges_d, dest_d, label_d, visited_d); 
        // cudaMemcpy to read the *c_frontier_tail value back to host 
        // assign int to p_frontier_tail for the while-loop condition test
        int* temp = c_frontier_d; c_frontier_d=p_frontier_d; p_frontier_d=temp; 
        // launch a simple kernel to set *p_frontier_tail_d = *c_frontier_tail_d; *c_frontier_tail_d=0; 
__global__ void BFS_Bqueue_kernel(unsigned int* p_frontier, unsigned int*p_frontier_tail, unsigned int* c_frontier, unsigned int* c_frontier_tail, unsigned int* edges, unsigned int* dest, unsigned int* label, unsigned int* visited){
    __shared__ unsigned int c_frontier_s[BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE]; 
    __shared__ unsigned int c_frontier_tail_s, our_c_frontier_tail; 

    if (threadIdx.x ==0){ c_frontier_tail_s=0; } __syncthreads(); 
    const unsigned gid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 

    if (gid < *p_frontier_tail){
        const unsigned int c_vertex = p_frontier[gid]; 

        for (unsigned int i = edges[c_vertex]; i<edges[c_vertex+1]; i++){
            const unsigned int was_visited = atomicExch(&(visited[dest[i]]), 1); 

            if (!was_visited){
                label[dest[i]] = label[c_vertex]+1; 
                const unsigned int my_tail = atomicAdd(&c_frontier_tail_s, 1); 

                // check if # of neighboring vertex exceeds BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE
                if (my_tail<BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE){
                    c_frontier_s[my_tail] = dest[i]; 
                } else {
                    c_frontier_tail_s = BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE; 
                    const unsigned int my_global_tail = atomicAdd(c_frontier_tail, 1);
                    c_frontier[my_global_tail] = dest[i]; 
        // we need to reference global tail multiple times- make it to smem var. 
        if (threadIdx.x==0){ 
            our_c_frontier_tail = atomicAdd(c_frontier_tail, c_frontier_tail_s); 
    // vertex searching order doesn't matter- just append to global memory tail
    // for vertexes that exceed BLOCK_QUEUE_SIZE will already be in global mem. 
    for (unsigned int i=threadIdx.x; i<c_frontier_tail_s; i+=blockDim.x){


18. Sparse Matrix Multiplication

1. Sequential SpMV

for (int row=0; row<num_rows; row++){
    float dot = 0; 
    int row_start = row_ptr[row]; 
    int row_end = row_ptr[row+1]; 
    for (int elem=row_start; elem<row_end; elem++){
        dot += data[elem] * x[col_idx[elem]];
    y[row] += dot;

2. Parallel SpMV

  • Shortcoming: 1) No memory coalescing, 2) Control Flow Divergence
    __global__ void SpMV_CSR(int num_rows, float* data, int* col_idx, int* row_ptr, float* x, float* y){
      // each thread processes one row
      int row = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
      int row_start = row_ptr[row]; int row_end = row_ptr[row+1]; 
      for (int elem=row_start; elem<row_end; elem++){
          float dot; 
          dot += data[elem]*x[col_idx[elem]]; 

3. ELL (PACK) Format

  • data[], col_idx[] both padded โ†’ Solves control flow divergence, row_ptr[] not needed!
  • transposed โ†’ Solves coalescing
  • Shortcoming: excessive # of padded elements
    __global__ void SpMV_ELL(int num_rows, float* data, int* col_idx, int num_elem, float* x, float* y){
      int row = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x; 
      if (row<num_rows){
          for (unsigned int i=0; i<num_elem; i++){
              dot += data[row+i*num_rows]*x[col_idx[row+i*num_rows]];

4. Coordinate Format

  • Elem. in COO format can be arbitrarily record
    1. Sequential SpMV (COO)
      for (int i=0; i<num_elem; i++){
        y[row_idx[i]] = data[i]x[col_idx[i]]
    2. Parallel SpMV (COO)
  • Each thread takes care of one elem.
    __global__ void SpMV_COO(float* data, int* col_idx, int* row_idx, int num_elem, float* x, float* y){
      int i = blockDim.x*blockIdx.x+threadIdx.x; 
      if (i<num_elem){
          float dot; 
          dot = data[i]*x[col_idx[i]]; 
          atomicAdd(&y[row_idx[i]], dot);